SPRING 2014 | wyoea.org
SPRING 2014 | WEAnews
Take Advantage Of These
Professional Development Offerings
For the most current information on professional development, grant opportunities, and other professional
issues information, sign up for the WEA Professional Issues e-News by e-mailing Kathy Scheurman at
Tutorial on Wyoming Accountability Reports Available Online: WDE has made a recording
available which explains School Performance Reports (SPR), a key component of the Wyoming
Accountability in Education Act (WAEA) on the WDE's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=CktOZuvzTsM. WDE Director of Assessment Deb Lindsey and Data Governance Coordinator
Leslie Zimmerschied present an overview of the indicators in the reports, tips on how to interpret the
reports, and more detailed explanation of the new growth indicator.
Wyoming Social Studies Teacher Summit to be Held in Casper May 9-10: In addition to
plenary sessions, teachers can choose from four workshop strands: Using Technology in the Social Studies,
Elementary Social Studies, Secondary Social Studies, and Social Studies Student Performance. Giant floor
maps will be on display, and social studies publishers will exhibit materials both days. PTSB and UW credit
will be offered. A block of rooms at a special rate has been reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn (307-266-
1300). To register, go to http://tinyurl.com/WyoSStudies or contact Germaine Wagner at gkwagner@outlook.
com. For an accurate lunch count, please register by April 25. Walk-ins are welcome.
Grant Management Training Offered in Casper May 22-23, presented by the WY
Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Grant Writing USA. Learn how to stay
in compliance and keep the money; hone your grant administration skills; arm yourself with extensive
knowledge of the compliance requirements that all grantees must meet when managing federal funds. This
training is recommended for grant recipient organizations/individuals across all disciplines & is appropriate
for educators. Tuition is $595 and includes all materials. More information & registration:
Online Training Available Now Through MCEC: Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) offers
a series of online courses for anyone concerned with the well-being of our nation's military-connected
children and youth. These concise, practical trainings are designed for educators, family members,
caregivers, or professionals working with military children. The courses offer Continuing Education
Units (CEUs), and can be taken as schedules permit. https://netforum.avectra.com/eweb/DynamicPage.
Biology Teachers: Mark Your Calendars: 2
Life Discovery-Doing Science Education Conference,
October 3-4, 2014, San José State University, San José, CA. www.esa.org/ldc
2014 Special & General Education Conference May 7- 9, 2014, San Francisco. Challenges
and Innovations: Pre-K through 12th Grade. Fifteen full-day courses designed to best meet your professional
needs. You may download the full conference program at www.rehabseminars.org.
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