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part. One of the two most common responses was being taken to locations that never meet my organization’s criteria. The other had to do with contracts. “I don’t like reviewing contracts—all of that extraneous lan- guage,” says Eaddy. “You have to be very careful. One word can change the meaning of everything. It’s very easy to make a mistake that you have to pay for later.“ LaVette Henderson of the National Dental Association says, “it’s getting harder to negotiate with tier one cities on hotel rates. Although the hotels have been flexible on other areas to try to accom- modate the rates that doesn’t always work for my group.” Knowing the disdain most meeting LA VETTE HENDERSON planners have for the site selection process and contract negotiations, we asked if any of them would ever con- sider using a third party to assist if it would eliminate stress and cost them absolutely nothing. From Jay, “I may consider a third party, but only if they are in lock step with our desires. It’s no longer rates, dates and space. Properties must demonstrate they want part of the $42 billion African-American travel and tourism industry by showing their local, regional and national track record.” And this from Eaddy, “There is no free lunch. I don’t believe in using third parties for site selection. The same money (rebate) they get from the hotels, the organization can get. If you add up the dollar value of what the third party is getting, usually the amount they get bares no relation on the effort they put in. Yes, they can leverage your business along with the rest of their clients…if you have a meeting professional that is strong in negotiating and contracting you can get the job done.” Rosa McArthur, CMP of Meeting Planners Plus says’ “I would consider using a site selection for some pro- grams, but not all. Some programs have very specific needs around priva- cy, room and space layout, destination and surroundings, etc.” Henderson says, “I’ve been consid- ering more and more third parties because of the short staff we have at NDA…I have tried a cou- ple of third parties and the rate was slightly higher than what I got doing it myself.” Many of our readers are familiar ROSA MCARTHUR with Brenda Scott. Scott served as president of the Mobile Area Convention and Visitors Bureau for seven years where she became the first African-American women to head a CVB. Scott received the Shinning Example BRENDA SCOTT award as the top CVB in the Southeast, the American Society of Association Executives Certificate of Achievement ¾ the second highest honor of the Gold Circle Awards and several other honors that could fill this magazine. Not one to rest on her laurels, Scott is now manager of Global Accounts for HelmsBriscoe ¾ a global leader in meetings procurement. HelmsBriscoe can evaluate, research and present the ideal venue for your meeting based on criteria. “I don’t influence a client to select one property over another for any reason other than it is a good fit for you the planner, because every planner has varied needs.” Scott’s talents as a 23-year professional on the supply side and the HelmBriscoe brand is a match made in heaven. She brings credibility and understanding to an often-contentious process ¾ negotiations between suppli- ers and cash-strapped meeting planners, who must put on a world-class event in terrible economic times on a shoestring budget. Scott is particularly concerned about the minority meetings market. Reaching out to African American meeting planners and working with them to get the best deals possible. How does HelmsBriscoe stack up in meeting the meeting planners needs? “We at HelmsBrisco are client centric. I do not repre- sent any specific brand or region and take a customized approached to each client’s needs.” HelmsBriscoe has buying power, as the largest buyer of hotel rooms in the world; hotels treat our individual clients and their meetings as if they are the largest cus- tomer. In 2010, HelmsBriscoe contracted over 3.8 million room nights in 86 countries. As the largest private source of group rooms, HelmsBriscoe clients benefit from special offers not available to others. Scott says “It’s business by design not by chance.” “I don’t influence a client to select one property over anoth- er for any reason other than it is a good fit for you the planner, because every planner has varied needs.” So what exactly can HelmsBriscoe do for you? HelmsBriscoe technology and resources expedite the hotel response and provide a full excel report of hotel bids so you can make crucial decisions and they can expeditiously engage in deeper negotiations. There is no cost to you the client. They are paid a placement fee by the hotel, that fee is not passed on to you the meeting planner in rates or rebates. Don’t get caught leaving money on the table ¾ it costs you nothing to test the waters. Scott can be reached at or call 713-266-2062. Black Meetings & Tourism January/February 2011: 17

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