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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE WEA Awards It is hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us. Before we know it, it will be 2014 and time to submit your nominations for all of the different WEA awards. This is one way that we recognize the people who do so many great things for our students and public education. We have seven different awards that will be given out at this year's Awards Banquet to be held on April 4th at Little America in Cheyenne. We have the Wyoming School Bell Award that is presented to a representative of the news media for outstanding coverage of education news and issues. The Friend of Education Award recognizes a person or persons who have demonstrated exceptional service to teachers, schools, and children. Individuals or groups can be nominated for the Harriett "Liz" Byrd Award for their outstanding contributions in the areas of human relations, multiculturalism, and/or diversity in the field of education. The Green Apple Award is given to a WEA member who has contributed to environmental awareness that involves and benefits students. WEA Educational Support Professionals, ESPs, can be nominated for the WEA ESP of the Year Award. This award is presented to an ESP member who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments in worksite and personal achievements, involvement in the community and the Education Association, and has also enhanced the image of ESPs at their worksite and in the community. The winner of this award will be WEA's nominee for the National Education Association ESP of the Year Award. The WEA National Foundation for the Improvement of Education Award (NFIE) is given to a WEA member who demonstrates Cat-A-Van Wyoming Education Association's "Cat-A-Van" could be coming to a school near you. If you would like the Cat in the Hat to come to your school to read with your class or at a school assembly during the months of March, April or May 2014, all you have to do is have your class write a letter to the Cat, telling her how much they would like her to visit their classroom or school. The Cat's address is: WEA, Attn: Cat in the Hat, 115 East 22nd Street, Suite #1, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Please be sure to include contact information and possible dates that you would like the Cat to come to your school. As I hope to be visiting numerous schools around Wyoming, I may not be able to accommodate a given date, so please include a number of choices. For more information about the WEA "CatA-Van," log onto the WEA website, 4 WINTER 2013 | WEAnews ICI_ 6 Winter 2013 Final.indd 4 instructional expertise, creativity, and innovation. The five criteria on which they will be evaluated are: professional practice, advocacy for the profession, community engagement, leadership in professional development, and attention to diversity. The winner of this award will be WEA's nominee for the National NFIE award. The most prestigious award conveyed by the WEA is the Gold Key Award. It is given to a WEA member for extraordinary service that has contributed to the professional development of WEA and to the enhancement and advancement of education in Wyoming. The deadline to submit all award nominations to the WEA office is January 20, 2014. All of the information and nomination forms can be found on our website, wyoea. org. Please consider nominating someone for one of these awards. CAT- Read Ac Driving Around In My Cool Heading T Your School-Don't You o I'm Bringing My Friends, Thing 1 So We Can Read With You & Yo Wyoming E 12/12/13 3:39 PM