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ANNOUNCEMENTS WEA ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commitment to excellence is best practiced as an engaged advocate. The following positions will be up for election in April 2014. If you're interested in putting YOUR membership into action, contact President Vetter ( or Membership Specialist Linda Bottom ( for more info! WEA ELECTED OFFICES State Offices: • WEA President - 3 year term • WEA Vice President - 3 year term • WEA ESP Statewide Representative - 2 year term • WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative - 2 year • WEA Higher Ed. Statewide Representative - 2 year Region Offices (ALL 2-year terms): • Central Region Representative • Northeast Region President • Northeast Region Vice President • Northwest Region President • Southeast Region President • Southeast Region Vice President • Southeast Region Representative DELEGATES TO NEA REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY (July 2014 in Denver, Colorado) State Delegates: • RA State Delegate: Category 1 (2-year term - up to 5 delegates) All Active & ESP Non-Supervisory Members • RA State Delegate: Category 2 (1-year - 1 delegate) All Active & ESP Supervisors and Admin. members • RA State ESP Cluster Delegate (1-year - 1 delegate) All ESPs who cannot join a local association Region Cluster Delegates (ALL 1-year): • Central Region Cluster - 1 delegate • Northeast Region Cluster - 2 delegates • Northwest Region Cluster - 3 delegates • Southeast Region Cluster - 1 delegate • Southwest Region Cluster - 2 delegates s W ho' on the ballot? uncing their candidacy! Some members have already heeded the call of duty by anno WEA President: KATHY VETTER Currently serves as WEA President CRAIG WILLIAMS Currently serves as Southeast Region President State Delegate To NEA Representative Assembly: CRAIG WILLIAMS Currently serves as WEA Vice President: GRADY HUTCHERSON Currently serves as WEA Vice President JON VANOVERBEKE Currently serves as WEA Treasurer Northeast Region President: JENNIFER BLACK Currently serves as Northeast Region President Southeast Region President The next cand idate on the ballot could be YOU! Notice for Minority Participation in the NEA Representative Assembly The Wyoming Education Association strongly encourages ethnic minority members of the Wyoming Education Association to seek election as a delegate to the National Education Association Representative Assembly as part of the WEA Ethnic Minority Plan: Section 10 (pg 101) #4. WINTER 2013 CS 6 Winter 2013 Final.indd 27 | 27 12/13/13 11:30 AM