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Student WEA Members Travel To Denver for Conference On Oct. 12th, Student WEA (SWEA) members attended the Colorado Education Association Student Conference at the CEA offices in Denver, Colorado. The one-day conference consisted of three different learning opportunities for student participants. The first session introduced participants to "Thinking Maps," and how they can be incorporated into one's classroom as notes, student assignments, etc. The second session discussed the hard topic of suicide. The participants were introduced to different ways to communicate appropriately about suicide with students, and feel a little better equipped to help someone. The third session was presented by WEA's own Government Relations Director, Ken Decaria. In this session, Ken stressed the importance of knowing that education is indeed political, not only nationally, but down to the local level, and ways in which to stay involved and informed. Northwest College SWEA member Cynthia Stahl said, "I will definitely be paying more attention from now on! Like the speaker (Ken Decaria) said, 'If you're not involved in making decisions, others will be happy to make them for you.'" WEA Communications Director/State Student Organizer Coleen Haines attended, along with five students from the University of Wyoming and five students from Northwest College. SWEA had applied for a student grant from NEA and received $2,500 to help pay for the SWEA participants' expenses. Let WEA know about 14 WINTER 2013 | WEAnews ICI_ 6 Winter 2013 Final.indd 14 great things Contact Coleen Haines – 12/12/13 3:41 PM