The Tasting Panel magazine

Aug 09

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august 2008 / the tasting panel / 1 Results of the 2009 San Francisco International Wine Competition On behalf of THE TASTING PANEL, I would like to congratu- late the winners of the 2009 San Francisco International Wine Competition, the largest and most prestigious wine judging event in America. As in years past, the 2009 judging again set new records, with more than 4,274 wines entered from 1,195 wineries, representing 26 states and 21 foreign countries. Our 45 highly-qualifi ed judges convened at San Francisco's accommodating Hotel Nikko from June 19 through 21 to spend the weekend swirling, sipping and spitting. It is a challenging task, and our judges were tireless in their e≠ orts to select the best wines as winners. The Competition is ably run by our excellent San Francisco– based sta≠ and their many dedicated volunteers, under the leadership of Managing Director Carol Seibert and Assistant Director Chandler Moore. My thanks go out to everyone in- volved, as well as to the many wineries who entered their excel- lent wines, again making the Competition a rewarding experi- ence for all. Due to space constraints, we are listing here only the Pre- mium Award winners and the 148 Double Gold and 245 Gold med- al winners. For complete results, including listings of our Silver Medal and Bronze Medal winners, go to —Anthony Dias Blue, Executive Director THE TASTING PANEL Magazine Winery of the Year Clos du Bois Portfolio Award Constellation Wines U.S. André Tchelistche≠ Winemaker of the Year Je≠ Runquist, Je≠ Runquist Wines

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