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THIS IS YOUR WEA MEMBERSHIP CARD Cut this card out and carry it with you to have easy access to your WEA Member ID Number . The number listed above your name is your Member ID Number . Phone: 307-634-7991 Affiliated with the National Education Association STAY INFORMED! WEA is sending out weekly and sometimes daily email updates to keep members informed on all the breaking news that affects our members, including: •Weekly Professional Issues Updates •Member Benefits Updates •Special Announcements •Legislative Update/Information •Regional Information •Letters From President Kathy Vetter In order to receive these updates, please make sure that we have a current personal email address on file for you. If you have been receiving our emails, then you are fine; just let us know if anything changes. If you are not receiving emails from us, please update your information by contacting: Membership Specialist Linda Bottom at or 307-6347991 ext. 103 WEA's NEW APP IS HERE Get It Now! WEA's new app was recently created and is now live in the app stores. You can visit our association calendar to see upcoming events, register for upcoming trainings or retreats, link to our social media sites, view contact information for WEA staff and , so much more. Scan this QR code on your smartphone to download in the app stores or via |email. WEAnews 32 BACK TO SCHOOL 2013 BTS 2013.indd 32 9/17/13 6:48 PM