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WDE Welcomes New Director WDE Director Richard Crandall Richard Crandall took the helm as director of the Wyoming Department of Education on August 5, following an extensive interview process by the State Board of Education and appointment by Governor Matt Mead. c a l e n d a r According to the WDE Website, Crandall is the father of seven 4-5 children, "which fuels his passion for education. Prior to being appointed Director, Rich served as the Senate Education Chair in the Arizona Senate and before that, as the Education Chair in the Arizona House of Representatives. Corporate Dietitians, the nation's largest consulting dietitian firm. Rich has participated as an officer or task force member with several national organizations including Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education, the National Conference of State Legislatures and the American "Rich has a B.S. and Masters Legislative Exchange Council. in Accountancy from BYU and During his time in Arizona, an MBA from the University of Rich served as the School Board Notre Dame. He founded CN president for the 64,000 student Resource in 2002, a national child Mesa School District. He's nutrition audit firm, which does excited to begin his journey in work for the USDA and State the Cowboy state." Education Departments. He also served as the CFO of Crandall OCTOBER NW Region Budget Hearing/Retreat 5-12 Virtual Committee/ Commission Week 20-23WEBT Retreat/IFEBP Conference JANUARY 1 Winter Break - WEA Offices Closed 10-11 Committee/Commission Weekend in Casper 17-19 NEA Leadership Summit 20 Martin Luther King Day - WEA Offices Closed 31 Program Budget Meeting WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Casper 30 BACK TO SCHOOL 2013 BTS 2013.indd 30 DECEMBER NOVEMBER 1-2 WEA Board of Directors Meeting in Casper 3 Program Budget Meeting 11 Veteran's Day - WEA Offices Closed 18-22 American Education Week/GLEE Week 27-29 Thanksgiving Break - WEA Offices Closed 24-31 Winter Break - WEA Offices Closed FEBRUARY MARCH 1 7 10 12 16-17 17 26 WEA Board of Directors Meeting - Casper NFIE Gala Legislature Convenes WEBT Renewal Meeting RBL Conference in Cheyenne Legislative Reception WEBT Annual Meeting in Casper 3-28 6 7 7-9 22 PAWS Testing Window WEBT Annual Meeting in Casper Legislature Adjourns NEA/ESP Conference in San Francisco NE/Central Region DA Briefing/RBL | WEAnews 9/17/13 6:48 PM