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Sponsored By The Wyoming Highway Patrol A Members, Fellow SWE Hello, aving. There we will be h ar xt to a great ye ing in the ne a great start ill be happen What that will s that w e first thing xciting thing e h are so many can't wait. T the Colorado nths—I just of mo en invited by s be couple panding Your at SWEA ha te in the "Ex curring is th be oc participa on October Conference sociation to s ime" r Education A Book at a T o expand you Library One pportunity t ssional Profe a great o You will ally as well. ado. This is sion 12th in Color education, y but profes it comes to nly personall hen library not o t people. W ay to start. a lot of grea meet is a great w this get to working, and ll about net nt it's a g our stude will be gettin als to two main go ing members his year, my as encourag ers ell For t udent memb ers up, as w want our st ership numb . I the memb ith teachers hapter, but networking w ool's WEA c sch d to start art of their teachers nee t only be a p e as future to no our teaching well. W guide us on t's WEA as help le local distric teachers to e past coup our veteran ooks over th up to g look textb keeps comin many of my theme that ney. In so jour o network s one main t we learn t ere is alway mus of years, th our g. Not only twork with 's networkin nd that o need to ne als up a ers, but we other teach parents. with well as with me rs, as lp you beco administrato teachers he teran eacher will Let those ve ou can. A t ou. cher y ity to help y the best tea he opportun own t teachers in never turn d ecame good d. they b party starte That's why et's get this ce. L SWEA but the first pla nly with the not o Get involved, with WEA. Thank you, orn Brandi Dearc ent SWEA Presid ngs happening Haines – BTS 2013.indd 15 REMEMBER ce ren SWEA Confe12th October in your schools! BACK TO SCHOOL 2013 | 15 9/17/13 6:48 PM