Local 706 - The Artisan

Spring 2025

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2 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2025 Streamlining and consistently staying organized can be quite a task. The more disorganized one becomes, the harder it is to get back on track. I have found each time I start a new show or project, I am reorganizing what I had already reorganized, and it just becomes a vicious cycle. Virtual organization at times has become so "overgrown" so to speak, it's almost like treading water just to keep up with cleaning up spam and staying current over just a few days. There are many benefits to streamlining, disposing of and figuring out how to truly get organized. First is to figure out how to discard what is no longer needed, either for work or sentimentality. There are many benefits to becoming organized, including increasing productivity and saving time. It also has been well documented that being organized and reducing chaos is a great stress reliever, helps one to focus, and will improve mental clarity. "Free your mind and the rest will follow"… It is so much calmer to look at a room, office or screen and have everything organized and easy to find. Below are some simple ideas to help organize both physically and virtually. • When trying to declutter your physical workspace or organize your kits, set a series of goals even if small and give yourself a deadline • Separate and discard The items needed to begin: include trash bags, a shredder, file folders, and different-sized bags or containers. When setting goals, you may give yourself one week to organize your day-check kit or even your smaller set bag. Once you reach that small goal, set another. As a first step to organize your workspace, you can shred any papers that are not needed anymore and digitize as much as possible. Those you wish to keep can be filed in either paper files or virtual folders. When organizing your make-up or hair, workspace/equipment and kit, a good first step is to pull everything and empty it all in an open space. Next, throw away what you can clearly see what is empty, expired, or not needed anymore. You can clean and reuse any bags you already have emptied or get new assorted-sized bags. You can find these cheap at places like the Dollar Tree or even use ziplock bags if need be. Separate your items. For example, lip liners in one bag, eyeliners in another, hair ties in one bag, combs in another. This makes it easy to see what you have and if you need more than one kit, you can put both kits together at the same time with two different piles. • Label as much as you can It can take a little extra time up front but will save you many hours if you take the time to label your folders, containers and bags. • Keep all clutter out of rooms where you sleep or relax If possible, put them in the garage or file cabinet in the office. If there is not enough room or you have to deal with temperature control, then try make room in a closet or cabinet. If you must have everything in one room by having them labeled and organized in containers or in folders, it will still be streamlined and less chaotic. • When you are working, keep only essential items out on your workspace Whether you are working at your desk or station in a trailer, only keep what is essential for the task at hand. If you are doing a breakdown, then you probably only need your computer and maybe pen and paper. If doing an actor in a glam look, have the make-up or tools out for just that look, not all the other things you are doing. • Declutter your virtual space This can sometimes be overwhelming with people having multiple emails and all the spam and threads that we receive every day. Make time every day or schedule time each week to delete unnecessary emails. Organize your inbox with folders and you can virtually put emails and information into labeled folders. • Erase what you do not need anymore Save space in your cloud by going through and erasing all your large files, videos or media you do not need. Remove email taking up a lot of space by removing anything more than five megabytes • Use an external hard drive You can transfer many large files and media onto an external hard drive and free up your space. Remember, you do not have to do everything at once and just the act of starting on a small scale is a giant step. Julie Socash | President FROM THE PRESIDENT " To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose." –MARIE KONDO Managing Editor Adam Brandy Contributing Writers Brian Badie Cool James Benson Claudia Humburg Erin LeBre Adruitha Lee Vanessa Blanchard Lee Patrice K. Madrigal Jaime Leigh McIntosh Tricia Sawyer Julie Socash Vasilios B. Tanis Janine Thompson Heba Thorisdottir Karen Westerfield Publisher IngleDodd Media Office Manager Kathy Sain Mailing List Manager Kathy Sain The Artisan is published quarterly by Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists, I.A.T.S.E. Local 706, 828 No. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505 Phone (818) 295-3933 Fax (818) 295-3930 All editorial and photo submissions should be sent to email address: hllywdmkupartist@yahoo.com To update member information, email to: dispatch@ialocal706.org Advertising: IngleDodd Media (310) 207-4410 muahs@IngleDodd.com www.IngleDoddMedia.com Officers of I.A.T.S.E. Local 706 President Julie Socash Vice President Elena Arroy Recording Secretary Porshawna Mosely Secretary-Treasurer David Williams Sergeant-at-Arms Sherrita Cole Business Representative Cheryl Eckert Official Magazine of Hollywood Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists. Published in the Interest of ALL the Members of Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists I.A.T.S.E. Local 706

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