Local 706 - The Artisan

Spring 2025

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1530961

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22 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2025 Historical figures portrayed in the film also include Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Johnny Cash, Woody Guthrie and many others. I am incredibly grateful that costume designer Arianne Phillips, whom I had previously worked with on Don't Worry Darling, recommended me to director James Mangold to head the hair department. What a wonderful opportunity to explore such an amazing moment in history. Stacey Panepinto, Department Head Make-up, and I set out to help tell the visual journey of a young PHOTOS BY MACALL POLAY/SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES A Complete Unknown is a true story set in New York in the early 1960s. Anyone familiar with Bob Dylan is also familiar with his iconic silhouette, due to his incredible head of hair. B Y J A I M E L E I G H M C I N T O S H | D E P A R T M E N T H E A D H A I R LIKE A ROLLING STONE A COMPLETE UNKNOWN Bob Dylan who first arrived in New York City having not yet found his iconic style. We charted his journey from a slightly fuller youthful boy with unkempt hair to the iconic music legend with his signature sound and style that we think of today. While small for a film of this magnitude, the hair & make-up teams had many talented artists who helped achieve these looks daily. Shout-outs to the hair department's Rebecca Woodfork-Ziegler, Allison Imoto-Suh, Kelly Reed and Christen Edwards, and the make-up department's Dave Presto, Alex Rutkay, Nicole Frascogna and Rich Krusell. Like his sound, his hair grew into an iconic- changing personality of its own. We had a long testing process with actor Timothée Chalamet and director James Mangold. We talked through the pros and cons of how we could technically achieve L-R: Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez and Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan

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