Post Magazine

November/December 2024

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Page 3 of 39 2 POST NOV/DEC 2024 EDITOR'S NOTE ur "Outlook" issue has been a part of Post's annual lineup for well over 20 years, and I always enjoy putting it together. Here, we connect with professionals from throughout the industry, who share their thoughts on trends and developments affecting the media & entertainment industry, whether they're a content creator, studio owner or technology provider. On the tech side, for example, AJA's Abe Abt explains how post studios can transition from an SDI to an IP infrastructure, thanks to the recent arrival of more cost-efficient SMPTE ST 2110-capable network hardware, and new audio and video I/O IP technology. Similarly, Frank Schönberger of MainConcept explains how Dolby-certified plug-ins can help workflows using the FFmpeg audio codec preserve richness and detail in soundtracks. Our "Outlook" feature also includes insight into front-and-center topics facing the industry that include AI, virtual production and cloud workflows. Turn to page 26 for first-hand insight into these topics from leaders in their respective space. Writer Iain Blair also connected with four top filmmakers — Denis Villeneuve, Steve McQueen, Paul Schrader and John Crowley — who address many of the topics facing those who create theatrical content. Collectively, they talk about deadlines, AI, the post production process and the future of theatrical exhibition. "Directors Outlook" begins on page 12. For our "Cover Story," I had a chance to go "behind the curtain" of Universal Pictures' hugely successful new film Wicked. Cinematographer Alice Brooks; editor Myron Kerstein, ACE; visual effects supervisor Pablo Helman; and Company 3 colorist Jill Bogdanowicz took a break from their work on next year's sequel to share insight into how the film moved through production and post. With strong performances from both Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, impressive visual effects and a beloved soundtrack, Wicked could very well receive numerous Oscar nominations. Our coverage begins on page 16. On a much smaller scale — literally — Netflix's new feature Wallace & Gromit — Vengeance Most Fowl shows off an entirely-different side of filmmaking. This stop-motion animated feature was created by the team at Aardman in the UK, which has a history of producing award-winning work using this technique. Supervising animator Will Becher has been with Aardman since its work on 2000's Chicken Run, and explains how the studio creates sweep- ing camera moves and engaging animation — one frame at a time — with figures that stand just a few inches tall. Our Wallace & Gromit coverage begins on page 22. As always, I invite you to visit, where we have additional Outlook coverage from across the industry, as well as details on several new and upcoming films not found in the print issue. We're looking forward to a successful 2025! BY MARC LOFTUS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MLOFTUS@ POSTMAGAZINE.COM O OUTLOOK 2025: A.I., VIRTUAL PRODUCTION & THE CLOUD SEE US ON EDITORIAL MARC LOFTUS Editor-In-Chief Post Publishing, LLC 516.376.1087 KENDRA RUCZAK Managing Editor Post Publishing, LLC/CGW CONTRIBUTOR IAIN BLAIR Film & TV DESIGN MICHELLE VILLAS Senior Art Director ADVERTISING MARI KOHN Director of Sales Print, Digital and Awards 818.291.1153 cell 818.472.1491 WILLIAM R. RITTWAGE Sales 818.636.2835 JUNIOR LOPEZ Customer Service, Circulation 818.291.1117 TOMMY RITTWAGE Digital Marketing Social Media 818.291.1166 REPRINTS 781.255.0625 • 818.291.1153 WILLIAM R. RITTWAGE President/CEO Post Magazine is published by Post, LLC, a COP communications company. Post does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsi- bility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. Post cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations or other materials. Subscriptions: Address all subscription correspondence to Post Magazine, 620 West Elk Ave, Glendale, CA 91204. Subscribers December also contact customer service at 818.291.1158, or send an email to For change of address please include the old and new address information, and if possible, include an address label from a recent issue. Subscriptions are available free to qualified individuals within the United States. Non-qualified 1 year rates: USA $63.00. Canada & Mexico $94.00. All Other Countries $133.00. Airmail Delivery is available for an additional $75.00 annually. Postmaster: Send address changes to Post Magazine, 620 W. Elk Ave., Glendale, CA 91204. Please send customer service inquiries to 620 W. Elk Ave., Glendale, CA 91204

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