Fall / Winter 2024

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ARI PERLISTEIN/SHUTTERSTOCK FOR SAG-AFTRA From left, SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President Linda Powell, President Fran Drescher and Secretary-Treasurer Joely Fisher on the silver carpet. T here's nothing like the SAG Awards ® — the lights, the cameras, the actors! Last year's 30th anniversary ceremony was a milestone event celebrating the year's best performances in film, television, and stunts with its inaugural show on streaming giant Netflix and the triumphant win for members following the 2023 TV/Theatrical/Streaming strike. It may be hard to imagine what's next following such an impactful year, but if there's one thing we know, it's that every ceremony proves itself to be even better than its last. There's a lot to know and plenty to do before the Big Night on Sunday, Feb. 23. Mark your calendars and get the details with our helpful FAQs. THE 31 st ANNUAL SCREEN ACTORS GUILD AWARDS ® ming Sn! o ses th year's nomies? Each year, two committees of 2,500 union members in good standing are formed to select nominees in film and television. The nominating committees are chosen at random from SAG-AFTRA's membership. H ow are Nomina t ing memrs osen serve? The current Nominating Committees have been finalized for this year. Nom Comm members are randomly selected in early summer of each year and must confirm in order to participate. In order to keep the pools fresh, members are ineligible to participate for eight years following their year of service. H ow can I vo ? All members who have paid their dues by Tuesday, Dec. 10, are eligible for final voting. Make sure your contact information is up to date in our system by logging into your account, checking your profile via the SAG-AFTRA member app or calling (855) SAG-AFTRA/ (855) 724-2387. Also, be on the lookout for this year's voting postcard (see page 90). en can I vo ? Nominations will be announced Jan. 8, and final voting opens Wednesday, Jan. 15, and closes at noon, Friday, Feb. 21. Ballots can be submitted online or via paper ballot. A paper ballot can be requested by calling (800) 961-8287 before the deadline on Friday, Feb. 7. H ow wl I t my scrrs? Screeners will be made available digitally, but for those looking to opt in to receive physical copies, visit before Jan. 1 to ensure you receive screeners by mail in a timely manner. More information will be available on this year's official voting postcard, but remember: Studios and networks ultimately decide if screeners for final nominations are available. For more information about voting for the 31st SAG Awards, visit or email Follow @sagawards on Instagram, TikTok and X, or @sagawardsofficialpage on Facebook to stay informed. Beef actor Steven Yeun with his statuette. BELOW: CHELSEA LAUREN/SHUTTERSTOCK FOR SAG-AFTRA; LEFT:DAVID FISHER/SHUTTERSTOCK FOR SAG-AFTRA Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role recipient Lily Gladstone. Check your email and your local page at to learn about viewing parties in your area.

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