Fall / Winter 2024

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6 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2024 | A Letter from the President "Move forward today and everyday, building bridges, not tearing them down, for the latter hurts no one but us all." Dear Member, T hese are sobering times in which we live. These are polarizing times as well. And humans, being humans, easily fall into the predictable pitfalls of win/ lose, aggression/fear, right/wrong, unity/ tribalism, give/take, love/hate. While some may feel victorious and empowered, an equal amount may feel defeated and disillusioned. So, for the moment, we are divided in two, but in no time at all each half will begin to subdivide into many factions, as individual special interests create discontent within each half. And neither half will be able to hold onto this momentary feeling of being 50% strong once the breakdown begins. This cycle is a revolving door that's seemingly inescapable, as history repeats itself over and over again. It's clear to me that our species lacks self-awareness. And, without self-awareness there can be no behavior modification and, by default, no growth. So, let's get back to us against them and the two halves we are at the moment and let's ask ourselves, "Who benefits by this division? Who?" Have we ever thought about that, or are we too mired in the vitriol and finger-pointing? The Romans invented this strategy, and it was a means to an end. Divide and CONQUER. They understood the nature of the beast and used it to manipulate the people. Being ripped in half leaves no winners but two losers, with each half deluded by the manipulations of a ruling class. These are the power mongers who control us mere pawns in a much bigger chess game. We, who are too busy pointing fingers at each other, play right into their hands. A water jug is useless when broken in half. Only when the two halves unify can it be effective at holding water. Can we see the bird's eye view of this dilemma? Does anyone from either side have the courage to stand up to the oligarchs and say, "We will not be divided but remain united as one nation under God?" Who will be the first to stretch across the toxic division to grasp with interlocking fingers the hands of your brethren? When a member body, be it nation or union, divides, we are not stronger, we are weaker and we falter to the real opposition, those who advance and prosper by our weakened state. Move forward today and everyday, building bridges, not tearing them down, for the latter hurts no one but us all. With wisdom comes understanding and salvation, Fran F R A N D R E S C H E R

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