Fall / Winter 2024

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82 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2024 | Casting Gains SELF-TAPES ARE NOW A LOT LESS STICKY! C hange is here. And it's a good thing! During the wages and working conditions meetings prior to the TV/Theatrical/Streaming negotiations, SAG-AFTRA members called for much-needed reform in the previously unregulated self-tape casting process. Because of this, the TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee fought for and achieved new parameters around what is acceptable. In the years ahead, the union will continue updating and improving these guidelines each time we head to the negotiating table. First, let's cover some important details: Self-taping is now recognized in our collective bargaining agreement. Prior to the 2023 TV/Theatrical/Streaming negotiations, the reality of self-taping — and the fact that it's now the primary means for performers to submit themselves for roles — wasn't acknowledged in the contract. Thanks to the hard work of the TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee, this language is now in print. HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU: When a performer submits for a role by recording themself while enjoying the option of holding sides or reading from a prompter, that's a self-tape submission. But if casting instructs the performer to memorize the lines or breakdown, then this is an audition and, therefore, can trigger the payment provisions that already exist in our collective bargaining agreement. Yes, if you're asked to memorize, you are entitled to payment. Unlike a self-tape submission, a virtual interview is when a performer tries out for a role virtually in the presence of casting and has the option of holding sides or reading from a prompter. This is different from a virtual Mean Fewer Strains

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