Fall / Winter 2024

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72 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2024 | LOW-BUDGET AGREEMENTS LEAD TO HIGH-QUALITY PROJECTS w ith filmmaking tools becoming increasingly accessible and low-cost, self-producing has become easier than ever for performers wanting to create opportunities for themselves and their colleagues. That's why SAG-AFTRA is continuing to find ways to facilitate the process for members to produce their own projects with the union's various low-budget agreements. Self-produced shorts, features, series and student projects give SAG-AFTRA members creative control over their stories and enable them to hire fellow members in narratives that showcase their unique talents. Evan Bass, a New York Local Board member who self-produced How You Are to Me using the Short Film Agreement, which is now called the Short Project Agreement, enjoys how self-producing allows him and his collaborators to tell the stories they don't think are being told. It also gives his colleagues the opportunity to play roles that they haven't been able to play in the past. His tender short about caregiving and Alzheimer's disease, which was financed thanks to crowdfunding and has exposed audiences to better care-partnering techniques, has garnered multiple film festival screenings and awards. EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SELF-PRODUCING CREATIVE CREATIVE

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