Fall / Winter 2024

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56 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2024 | Show Us Your Card S AG-AFTRA members from coast to coast are proud that they are part of the world's greatest union representing performers and media professionals — and they are not afraid to show it. We'd like to hear your story. Send us a photo or video of you holding your physical or digital card to and you just may get featured in a future issue, on our website or on social media. Tell us how you earned your card and why you are proud to be a SAG-AFTRA member. Then share your story on social media with the tag #sagaftramember. "I love all of the amazing actors I get to work with and I enjoy pretending to be someone else." — MAX RACKENBERG "I'm very grateful to have been part of this union for more than two decades." — FAHIM FAZLI "Became a must-join when I booked the original voice of Young Nala in The Lion King (1994) and I have been a proud member ever since." — NIKETA CALAME-HARRIS "Joining SAG-AFTRA is an incredible rite of passage, and I'm so proud to finally call myself a member!" — LANA SCHUPBACH "Through many trials and tribulations, I feel elated to finally be a SAG-AFTRA member." — JAVIER CIREROL JR.

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