Fall / Winter 2024

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14 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2024 | A Letter from the Secretary-Treasurer Fellow Member Siblings, S EASON FINALE "2024" Network notes: None of this seems believable. So … I didn't have our nation's current volatility on my dystopian bingo card. But here we are. The country's anxiety and unrest can also be seen in our industry. What comes next? Clearly, now is the time for us to face reality and protect our professions, our industry and the American workforce. Despite everything, this mother of five and 40-year SAG-AFTRA member remains hopeful our profession and our species can "surthrive" anything that's thrown at us. Progress is often about finding allies who fully appreciate what this industry means to the country and our economy. California's governor has been one such ally. Following a partnership cultivated with Gov. Newsom's office last year, I had the opportunity to facilitate a number of important wins. Thanks to the governor making himself available, I was able to convince him of the importance of entertainment workers' use of loan-out companies to receive their compensation. It took many conversations to get the wording right, but now that he's signed state Sen. Anthony Portantino's SB 422, loan-out employees continue to have the same right to unemployment benefits as everyone else. This victory came after repeated setbacks. Though I'd lobbied with state Sen. Portantino previously, we got it right this time. And more promising news is on the horizon. In late October, I joined all our sibling unions at Raleigh Studios, where Gov. Newsom announced a new proposal to increase California's film tax incentive to $750 million. If approved by the Legislature, it would take effect July 2025 and more than double the current film tax incentive. This move and the new soundstages being constructed in Los Angeles all signal opportunities in the near future for SAG-AFTRA members. It's also a tremendous boost for the local economy. After all, Hollywood is the birthplace of this industry. I'm hyper-aware that SAG-AFTRA represents people nationwide and globally, and that's why — as co-chairs of the Government Affairs and Public Policy Committee — Jason George and I are working with lawmakers and our rockstar legal team to make progress on a federal tax credit expansion to keep production in the United States. As goes California so goes the nation. In late September, Gov. Newsom proposed a brilliant idea: "Could we meet at SAG-AFTRA headquarters to sign our union supported A.I. bills, AB 1836 and AB 2602?" I quickly assembled the Avengers — President Drescher and National Executive Director Crabtree-Ireland. We all raced to mid-Wilshire for a spur-of-the-moment signing ceremony. Aside from the very fabulous photo opportunity, these two bills enshrine into law some of the principles we fought to achieve in our 2023 TV/Theatrical/Streaming contracts. Now, no one can use your digital likeness without your explicit, informed consent. These bills also protect our beloved deceased screen icons from unauthorized use of their likenesses. A.I. guardrails continue to be a top priority. As the holidays approach — all of the holidays — this might be the moment for us to look up or out to something bigger than ourselves. Reach for whatever brings you peace and guidance. Not just as artists, but as citizens and humans. Being out in the world and on sets again has reminded me of the impact this volunteer, full-time service to the union has on so many. When someone says "Thank you" or tells me how grateful they are for what we accomplish as a union, it makes all the Zoom calls, board meetings and time away from family worth it. I'm humbled and honored to have your trust. COMING SOON "2025" Network notes: Season premiere is highly anticipated. Always putting the membership first, Joely Fisher J O E LY F I S H E R "Clearly, now is the time for us to face reality and protect our professions, our industry and the American workforce."

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