Local 706 - The Artisan

Winter 2025

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1529095

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36 • THE ARTISAN WINTER 2025 Karen "Karicean" Dick: Presumed Innocent was an incredible project that proved to be unique on many levels. That year was the dawning of what would be a tough season in our industry. We were one of the few able to complete our project in early June of 2023. With the strike imminent, we ensured to give our union brothers and sisters as many hours as possible before the strikes. A fantastic team, we used our talents to create looks throughout. Myself, key hair stylist Liz Ferguson, Desmond Wooden, our fantastic daily crew and make-up team, lead by famed make-up artist Donald Mowat, key Molly Tissavary, and make-up artist Ching Tseng and daily crew. Donald asked me to join the team, as department head hair, which I readily accepted as I knew this would be an epic opportunity. While TV/film projects have distinctive roles by nature, ironically, we worked as one unit. We were unique in that regard. Donald and I worked through each character for the series deciding on what each actor needed scene by scene to ensure the viewers would benefit from consistency and believability. The make- up and hair is an intricate part of any storytelling. With a large ensemble cast, we realized right away the need for proper representation to reflect the characters being portrayed, and the demographics they represented. For Noma Dumezweni, who played the judge, we gave a look we have not previously seen on her. The producers and director wanted to age her appropriately. I really wanted to do something that would represent what an African American female judge would look like in Chicago. To create a wig that had natural texture and volume but also aged her appropriately for this character. For Nana Mensah, we chose braids, using a plant-based non-toxic itch-free synthetic braid to maintain her style and comfort. I was thrilled to support the Black women-owned company, Rebundle. For Gabby Beans, I cut a shoulder-length bob with bangs to support her costumes and make-up to accentuate her character's wit. Working with Ruth Negga was a fantastic experience. Ruth had effective subtle changes to help show her level of fatigue, insomnia and a serious courtroom look. When she visits B Y K A R E N " K A R I C E A N " D I C K | D E P A R T M E N T H E A D H A I R A N D D O N A L D M O W A T | D E P A R T M E N T H E A D M A K E - U P Krysten Ritter ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF APPLE Presumed Innocent ON TRIAL:

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