Location Managers Guild International

Fall 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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LMGI: THE NEXT GENERATION BY PAUL MESSANA They're young, smart and enthusiastic about what they do. In this occasional column, key assistant location manager Paul Messana, a genXer himself, talks with the upcoming generation of location professionals on the rise. PROFILE ON: SHEILA RYAN-CRUZ HOME BASE: Los Angeles, CA POSITION: Key Assistant Location Manager PAUL MESSANA: Let's start from the beginning. Tell me where you are from. SHEILA RYAN-CRUZ: I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but I am both a U.S. and British National. Although I spent most of my life here in the States, I do have a fondness for England as well. My parents are artists; my dad is a musician, and my mom is a writer and poet. My parents always exposed us to art and music as kids, so it was a big part of our lives. Photos by Sheila Ryan-Cruz/LMGI, except where noted Sheila Ryan-Cruz/LMGI

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