Location Managers Guild International

Fall 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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4 • LMGI COMPASS | Fall 2024 L E T T E R FROM THE PRESIDENT "Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." –Helen Keller As we reflect on the incredible success of the recent 11th Annual LMGI Awards, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride in what we, as a community, have accomplished. The event was extraordinary, celebrating the immense talent, creativity and dedication our global nominees and winners bring to the art of location management. The passion and collaborative spirit demonstrated at the awards cements what makes our Guild so special—a shared commitment to elevating our craft and pushing boundaries. This year's show, held alongside AFCI Week, was a testament to our growing presence and influence in the industry. The pairing of these two prestigious events not only highlighted our roots but also showcased how integral our work is to the storytelling process. I want to thank everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success, from the volunteers and staff to our sponsors and partners. However, our success doesn't end with the awards. As we look to the future, I want to remind each of you that you get out of the LMGI what you put into it. Whether contributing to LMGI Compass, participating in panel discussions or lending your voice to our committees, your involvement is vital to our continued growth. The collective knowledge and experience within our membership are unmatched, and it's through your participation that we can continue to inspire and support each other. We have come so far, but there is still more we can achieve together. I invite you to share your stories, your experiences and the insights that will help shape the future of our Guild. Let's keep building on this momentum and make our voices heard in every corner of the industry. Thank you for your ongoing dedication and passion. Warm regards, John Rakich LMGI President Editor in Chief Stevie NelSoN Editors DiaNe FrieDmaN Paul meSSaNa eDwarD mazurek DoDD vickerS LMGI Officers JohN rakich, President aNguS leDgerwooD, 1st Vice President robiN macDoNalD, 2nd Vice President DaviD mckiNNey, Treasurer liSa ScoPe, Secretary LMGI Board of Directors Jimmy ayoub DaNNy FiNN michael glaSer mac gorDoN eric kleiN eDwarD mazurek ryaN Schaetzle aliSoN a. taylor Scott trimble michael weSley LMGI Chairman Emeritus oriN keNNeDy Administrative Manager erika howarD The LMGI Compass is published quarterly by the Location Managers Guild International. LocationManagers.org Comments, editorial and photo submissions can be sent to: Compass@LocationManagers.org Publisher iNgleDoDD meDia Advertising iNgleDoDD meDia 310.207.4410 LMGI@IngleDodd.com www.IngleDoddMedia.com Official Magazine of Location Professionals Promoting Excellence on Location Worldwide C MPA SS

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