Location Managers Guild International

Fall 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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LMGI COMPASS | Fall 2024 • 47 CHAIRS Nancy Haecker John Rakich SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRS Diane Friedman Eric Klein Robin Macdonald Stevie Nelson ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Erika Howard TALENT Marley Wittuck COMMITTEE MEMBERS Yaw Amponsah Apenteng Miles Beal-Ampah Lalohni (LA) Campbell F. Nicolas Castillo Vinay Chand Bob Craft Pietro Dioni Charles George Russ Gladden Janet Harold TeriLee Huff Chase Hughes Paquita (PQ) Hughes Alphonse Huynh Phill Kane Marcelo Martinez Jason McCauley Alison Miller Andy Picheta Mo Qazzaz Mick Ratman Rebekka Rea Maura Reilly Frances Reyes-Bollinger Rita Rosenfeld Mario Santa-Cruz Shirley Scopelitis Jeff Shepherd Amie Tridgell Karen Tusa LMGI AWARDS COMMITTEE: PHOTOS BY GREG GRUDT/MATHEW IMAGING "I would like to thank everyone who helped make the LMGI Awards a reality," said Tokyo Vice nominee SLM Masanori "Masa" Aikawa/LMGI, who made the trip from Japan with producer Satch Watanabe and line producer Kazuo Fukui to attend the event. "Director and executive producer Alan Poul also joined us. The four of us were proud to represent the second season of Tokyo Vice at this prestigious awards ceremony. "The excitement of being nominated and being there with the team was an unforgettable experience and also a great time to share the excitement with the team in Japan, who were watching the livestream. I was very happy to see that Japanese location filming, which had not received much attention in the past, was now attracting attention." "I would like to thank John Rakich, and the commiee and all his team for puing on such an amazing show!" exclaimed Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Sue Quinn, "And all the work they have done in making the LMGI truly international and opening up lines of communication with location managers around the world." LMGI President John Rakich was thrilled with the turnout. "We had a full house, and the energy in the room was electric. We are so grateful to our generous friends and sponsors who make this celebration possible—and we're honored that so many have stepped up on our behalf. I want to thank all the LMGI Awards Committee members for their time, hard work and dedication in making this night a true celebration of our craft and the people who support us. "It was such a fun and inspiring evening that presented the best creative work by scouts and managers from around the globe and really showed how vital locations are to storytelling. It was a true celebration of the talent and creativity within our community and our place in an industry filled with such amazing possibilities!" You can watch the show on YouTube or find a link at LocationManagers.org SLOW HORSES – IAN POLLINGTON, DAVID BISWELL THE FALL GUY – LISA SCOPE/LMGI, DANIELLA WATSON, SIMON MARSHALL ROBERT "FLUFFY" MILLAR/LMGI, DAVID SHEPHEARD

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