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Field AI: Robotics demonstration
Humanoid Robotics
The widespread prevalence of robots was once the stu— of science
‡ction tales. Now, in the not-so-distant future, we may be interacting
with humanoid robotics in our day-to-day lives.
Nvidia announced that it will provide the world's leading robot
manufacturers and AI model developers with a suite of services,
models, and platforms to develop, train, and build the next genera-
tion of humanoid robotics.
Aiming to accelerate global robotics development, the company
is now o—ering NIM microservices and frameworks for simulation
and learning, an OSMO orchestration service for running multi-stage
robotics workloads, and an AI- and simulation-enabled teleopera-
tion workˆow allowing developers to train robots with minimal hu-
man demonstration data input.
"The next wave of AI is robotics and one of the most exciting
developments is humanoid robots," announced Nvidia founder
and CEO Jensen Huang. "We're advancing the entire Nvidia robot-
ics stack, opening access for worldwide humanoid developers and
companies to use the platforms, acceleration libraries and AI models
best suited for their needs." ¢
Nvidia: Envisioning the future of humanoid robotics