ADG Perspective

September-October 2024

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8 P E R S P E C T I V E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4 The truth is, I don't much like talking about scenery, concepts or process. Not even with my directors. I like listening, intuiting and executing. The pictures in the article tell the real story of my work. Steven Zaillian's brilliantly crafted and detailed scripts for the eight episodes of Ripley, with his meticulous precision and evocative descriptions, were all the road map I needed to get to work on the project. His vision for a 1960s Italy that was sparsely populated with grey cloudy skies and a charged air was there in all the black-and-white research we shared with one another from the beginning. We looked at the photographs of Piergiorgio Branzi, Mario Cattaneo, Pietro Donzelli, as well as American and European photographers working in Italy like Leonard Freed, Herbert List and David Seymour, and poured over the pages of NeoRealismo: The New Image in Italy 1932-1960. As well, I worked with researchers in New York, London and Rome. The goal was to come armed with the knowledge and understanding of every detail mentioned on every page of the eight scripts. R e c r e a t i n g I t a l y i n t h e 1 9 6 0 s R I P L E Y B Y D AV I D G R O P M A N , P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R A. ATRANI. CONCEPT ILLUSTRATION BY FRANCESCO SERENI ADDING AGE AND TEXTURE TO THE WALLS AND BUILDINGS. A

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