ADG Perspective

September-October 2024

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Dominican Republic/September 2022 Filming is well underway in the Florida Keys roadhouse as Jake Gyllenhaal melts into Patrick Swayze's "be nice" character, Elwood Dalton, by giving a would-be gang of thugs a polite warning. He asks, "Is there a hospital nearby? Is it, like, too far?" Dry, sarcastic and deliciously comedic, it's that moment just before it's time to "not be nice." In the 1989 film Road House, Patrick Swayze delivers the memorable line, "In a fight, nobody wins." During that era, Siskel & Ebert was one of the most influential film review programs in Hollywood. Roger Ebert, in his understated yet biting review, remarked, "It's the kind of movie that leaves reality so far behind, you have to accept it on its own terms." Despite its categorization as an action/thriller, Ebert perceived the film more as a comedy, ultimately calling it as a bad movie. Both Siskel and Ebert gave Road House two thumbs down. So, one might ask, "If it was such a bad movie, why a remake?" The debate over whether Road House was a good or bad film ultimately saw Road House itself as the victor in the long run. Produced by Joel Silver, renowned for action films like Lethal Weapon and Die Hard, the movie was crafted with a specific vision for its genre. Despite being a critical and A T r o p i c a l T a k e o n a C u l t C l a s s i c T H E A R T O F R O A D H O U S E B Y G R E G B E R R Y, P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R A

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