Arizona Education Association

Fall 2024

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AROUND AEA 5 FALL 2024 | ADVOCATE O ur union represents more than 23,000 teachers and school staff all over Arizona – teachers, bus drivers, custodians, librarians, school nurses and so many more. And we've been growing fast, adding thousands of new members over the last few years. Whether you joined just a few weeks ago or have been a member for decades, we hope that this resource guide helps orient you to our union and the work we do together. It includes information about union decision-making, advocacy and your rights as an employee, member benefits, and professional development. But by far the most important part of being a union member is the opportunity to organize and advocate alongside your colleagues to make a positive impact in your school and beyond. In school districts where our local unions are strong, we are able to win much more for educators in terms of salaries and working conditions than in districts where the local union doesn't have much presence. By filling out surveys, showing up to governing board meetings, meeting with your site representative, and talking to your friends and coworkers, you can help make your local union even stronger and win changes that will improve your daily life. Not sure where to start to get involved in your local union? Contact us at AEA and we can get you connected! 101 How to Contact Your Union You can reach the Arizona Education Association by calling 602-264-1774 or 800-352-5411 during business hours, or by emailing Who to Contact For questions about your membership, start by reaching out to your local association. If they aren't able to help, contact the main AEA office at 602-264-1774 or by emailing info@ For questions about NEA's life insurance program call 1-855-632-5433 or email For questions about all other NEA member benefits, including financial planning, discounts, and the NEA Travel program, call 1-800-637-4636 or email ask‑ For questions related to legal support, legal services, employment legal matters, or the attorney referral program, submit an inquiry via our help desk, For questions related to organizing, get in touch with your region's Organizational Consultant. If you're not sure who the right person to contact is, contact the main AEA office at 602- 264-1774 or by emailing Terms to Know Association Representative, AR, Building Representative, Faculty Representative, FR, Site Representative, Site Rep, Site Steward: all of these different terms mean the same thing: someone who is the point person for our union at a specific school or worksite H policy: a school district policy that recognizes the local union as the only organization that officially represents and speaks for school employees in that district Local union or local: your union within your school district, like the Mesa Education Association or the Phoenix Elementary Classroom Teachers Association Meet and confer: a structured process for discussing salaries, working conditions, and other issues, usually conducted between representatives for the school district and representatives of the local educators' unions, sometimes with the participation of others Organizing Consultant, OC, Uniserv Director: all of these different terms mean the same thing: the AEA staff person who serves as a point person for your local on organizing, protecting employee rights and more Wall to wall: a local union that represents both certified staff (including classroom teachers) and classified staff (including school secretaries, custodians, cafeteria workers and more)

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