Summer 2024

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72 SAG-AFTRA | Summer 2024 | We honor the memory of members whose deaths were reported to SAG-AFTRA between April 1 - June 30, 2024. * Please note: Due to publishing deadlines, notices that are received outside of these dates will be considered for future publication. Marla Adams 4/25/2024 Art Alisi 2/24/2020 Norah Lee Allen 3/31/2024 Dana Andersen 5/26/2023 Erich Anderson 5/31/2024 Burke Armstrong 6/26/2023 Susan Backlinie 5/11/2024 John Bagdasarian 9/30/2023 Barbara Baldavin 3/31/2024 Terrence Beasor 5/28/2024 Meg Bennett 4/11/2024 Bert Berdis 12/18/2022 Beverly Berkowitz 4/2/2023 Stuart Berton 5/12/2024 Dickey Betts 4/18/2024 Doris Biscoe 6/7/2024 Mark W. Blankfield 3/20/2024 Peggi Blu 5/19/2024 Judith Bohannon 8/30/2023 Eugene Boles 5/30/2024 Perry Botkin Jr. 1/18/2021 Tom Bower 6/3/2024 Tom Bozell 4/9/2024 Teda Bracci 2/24/2020 Damion Bragdon 3/26/2023 Andrea Braun 4/22/2024 Kevin Brophy 5/11/2024 George M. Brown 11/16/2023 Joyce Brown 2/28/2024 Bo Brundin 9/4/2022 Susan Buckner 5/2/2024 Norman Buerklin 1/15/2024 Mark Burchard 1/14/2024 Steve Calleran 5/22/2024 Jack G. Cambra 8/14/2021 Julian Campo 4/13/2024 James Christopher Canessa 6/26/2024 Terry Carter 4/23/2024 Anthony Casertano 10/5/2022 Buzz Cason 6/16/2024 Arleigh Castle 5/11/2022 Neil Castles 8/4/2022 Maria Cellario 6/21/2024 T. Mar Cello 1/1/2022 Anne Charbonneau 2/18/2021 Jeannette Charles 6/2/2024 Sonja Christopher 4/26/2024 Marlene Clark 5/18/2023 Harold W. Clousing 4/6/2021 Kevin Coates 5/15/2024 Emily Cobb 2/26/2024 Bill Cobbs 6/25/2024 Pat Colbert 6/23/2024 Dabney Coleman 5/16/2024 Charles Colin 5/21/2024 Edwin Sidney Collier 6/27/2024 Abigail Cooper 4/25/2023 Robert Kenneth Cooper 5/7/2024 John Copage 6/26/2023 Roger Corman 5/9/2024 Richard Crist 8/23/2023 Rick Cunha 9/30/2023 Bobby Curcuro 2/16/2021 Thom Curley 4/10/2024 Lou Cutell 11/21/2021 Mark Alan Damon 5/12/2024 Beverly Dixon 8/26/2023 Lafayette R. Dorsey 3/31/2023 Charles Dullea 11/17/2023 T. R. Durphy 1/10/2024 Carol Duvall 7/31/2023 Bob Eames 1/24/2024 Derrick Edmondson 4/14/2024 Renso Enkoji 5/27/2022 Jeannie Epper 5/5/2024 Brad Etheridge 11/26/2023 Barbi Evans 6/25/2024 Evans Evans 6/16/2024 Henry Fambrough 2/7/2024 Tony Farentino 5/3/2024 Anne Mari Faulkner 3/13/2024 Jason Felipe 3/26/2024 Dean Raphael Ferrandini 8/26/2023 Andrew J. Ferranti 4/9/2024 Richard Foronjy 5/19/2024 David F. Frankel 3/28/2024 Stan Garner 5/20/2024 Frank Garvin 7/12/2021 Linda Gehringer 5/17/2024 Vee Gentile 7/26/2023 Cecilia M. Gentili 2/6/2024 Christy Unpazzo Giglio 4/16/2024 Christina Gillespie 8/20/2023 M ARL A ADA MS ROGER COR M AN BILL COBBS TERRY C ARTER DABNEY COLEM AN TOM BOZELL CBS CBS PHOTOFEST

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