Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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LMGI COMPASS | Summer 2024 • 57 The otherworldly beauty of Jordan's golden sand dunes flows seamlessly into the world of Arrakis in the mesmerizing fantasy sequel, and The Royal Film Commission Jordan was pivotal in capturing the essence of the desert planet. The commission, aided by its skilled location scout team, worked with government agencies to secure filming permits, assisted with financial incentives, and partnered with customs and border authorities to expedite the entry of essential filming equipment into Jordan. Thanks to the commission's guidance and partnership, the towering cliffs and vast sand fields of Wadi Rum, the expansive desert valley of Wadi Araba, and Ma'an Al-Jafr's harsh beauty enrich and deepen the story's visuals. OKLAHOMA FILM + MUSIC OFFICE & TULSA OFFICE OF FILM – KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON Oklahoma Film + Music Office teamed with Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture to lead the way as the first production hub to reopen during the pandemic, opening the state's rolling tallgrass and blistered ranches as faithful set pieces to the stark indigenous drama. While being among the first to implement new health and safety protocols, the offices ensured the that authenticity of the period piece was on par with the production team's and Osage Nation's expectations while navigating COVID restrictions. The office assisted in identifying buildings and roads that could easily be controlled to portray the era of film to help contribute to the film's authenticity, including transforming downtown Pawhuska into a 1920's boomtown, filming at the Tulsa Federal Building, and enabling the use of 40,000 acres of protected tallgrass prairie in Guthrie to set the feel of the film. Classic and international gardens, roads, ponds, mature trees, statues, architecture. THE HUNTINGTON 626-405-2215 | f ilmhuntington.org THINK GLOBALLY, FILM LOCALLY THE ROYAL FILM COMMISSION JORDAN – DUNE: PART TWO

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