MPSE Wavelength

Fall 2024

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needed someone to review XenoVox for the MPSE Wavelength 2024 Fall edition. I "volunteered." A trial download and a month later, I'm truly impressed with what I missed out on at GameSoundCon. As the subtitle of XenoVox states, it is a dialogue production tool. It is not an editing program on its own. What XenoVox excels at (There's a pun there coming up) is recording BYPERRY LaMARCA MPSE 20 M PS E . O R G My first introduction to XenoVox, from Out Spoken Audio, was at GameSoundCon in October of 2023. It was in the booth next to the MPSE booth which I was manning (personing?) with a couple of other MPSE Board members. At the time, I found it very interesting, but I was busy with MPSE interests and it wasn't a piece of software I needed. Fast forward eight months and we and organizing dialogue for gaming. (Though, I do believe it could find a place in animation recording.) XenoVox is a sample-based recording platform. This makes it fast and nimble when running a recording session. The core of creating a session is a Script Excel file. (There's the pun.) This file holds the session script along with line numbers and T EC H CO R N E R BY CHRISTOPHER REEVES MPSE XenoVox Dialogue Production Tool Example of using Excel with XenoVox.

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