MPSE Wavelength

Fall 2024

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BY MARK CAMPERELL MPSE elldivers 2 is a third-person shooter that puts you smack in the middle of a far-off galactic conflict. You're armed to the gills, and your job is to destroy the Terminids (bugs) and Automatons (robots) to save humanity and freedom. It's a simple enough idea but, it opens an entire universe of possibilities for sound. Weapons. Creatures. Robots. Destruction. So. Many. Bug. Splats. The sonic world-building the teams at PlayStation Studios and Arrowhead Game Studios undertook on this title was extensive. Being that Helldivers 2 is also a live service title means that it is regularly enhanced with seasonal content, updates, and feature evolution. Their work didn't end at ship. It continues, even now. I chatted with them about their experiences in creating the sonic experiences for this wildly satisfying game. 104 M PS E . O R G H

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