ADG Perspective

July-August 2024

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1 8 P E R S P E C T I V E | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 4 A Hard Day's Work Storyboards and Stories from Warren Drummond N E W S B Y D AV I D M O R O N G , E D I T O R A. A HARD DAY'S WORK BOOK COVER. B. STORYBOARDS FROM THE SAMUEL L. JACKSON VERSION OF SHAFT. SHAFT DECKING THE WALTER CHARACTER. Art Directors Guild Senior Illustrator and Storyboard Artist Warren Drummond has recently published a book looking back on his work and experiences over his more than thirty-year career. A Hard Day's Work: Storyboards and Stories of 15 Select Films and Television Shows takes a different approach from many collections of storyboards, Drummond leans into the stories and experiences behind his career, along with offering many examples of his storyboard work. The structure of the book follows the title. Drummond chose fifteen films and shows that he has worked on and builds out the story of his life around these jobs. He starts with Above the Rim, describing his steep learning curve as he figured out how to approach storyboarding while on the job. He moves on through his contributions to small films, second unit and reshoot work before being brought onto major motion pictures, including The Devil's Own, Shaft, A Beautiful Mind, Antoine Fisher, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Fences and The Amazing Spider-Man. Even though the book is rich with examples of work from most of the featured productions, the text that accompanies the images concentrates on Drummond's personal and professional journey. He shares his early days picking up gigs in his hometown of NYC and couch surfing while working in LA. As he moves from show to show, he introduces the reader to a wide array of film professionals who touched his life. Along with directors, producers and Production Designers, we meet office coordinators, stunt coordinators, cinematographers, producer assistants and a whole host of collaborators who crossed his path and contribute to his professional growth. A B

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