Wyoming Education Association

Legislative Guide 2024

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1524068

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Page 6 of 7

Boards set high expectations and narrow the focus for improvement. District administrators take direction from the school board and execute the vision of the board through daily operations. The system should be aligned to support leadership and direct resources to ensure student success. School boards use data to monitor progress toward goals and create accountability for districts on behalf of students, families, and taxpayers. Connection with stakeholders and representation of diverse community members help boards understand and carryout the will of the constituents who elected them while still prioritizing the best interests of students. School boards serve as models for teamwork, collaboration, and commitment to continuous improvement. As elected officials, school board members serve a 4-year, unpaid term in their district. Board members come together, from all walks of life, to work as a team to set a vision and communicate clear expectations for the administrators leading school districts. Thoughtful, diverse, collaborative school boards guide districts in creating great public schools. Your vote could mean the difference between a board that values and supports our community schools and one that attacks them. Wyoming Education Association | (800) 442-2395 | tmullen@wyoea.org | wyoea.org 6

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