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30 cgw a p r i l • m ay • j u n e 2 0 2 4 p ixotope, a leading soware platform for end-to-end re- al-time virtual production solutions, is breaking new ground by enabling remote real time virtual production for NEP The Netherlands (NEP), a pioneer in broadcast technology. NEP recently leveraged Pixotope to enable remote camera tracking for the inaugural all-electric speedboat race, the E1 Series. For the E1 Series, Pixotope camera tracking was deployed on-site in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while the graphics engine was situated re- motely at NEP headquarters in Hilversum, The Netherlands—3,500 miles (5,632 km) away. This gave NEP the ability to run the produc- tion from their fully equipped home base studio in Hilversum instead of a cramped OB truck or other temporary on-site setup. "We are incredibly pleased with the outcomes of our collaboration with Pixotope. Their camera tracking solutions allowed us to har- ness the full potential of remote production, resulting in substantial reductions in on-site crew and equipment," says Daan Zeestraten, manager of graphics operations at NEP The Netherlands. "This not only cut down our travel and logistical expenses but also under- scored our commitment to environmental sustainability. Additional- ly, the streamlined workflow afforded us greater agility in addressing last-minute changes or technical challenges, ensuring a seamless broadcast for the E1 Series." With Pixotope camera tracking, NEP was able to embed tracking data within the SDI signal alongside the camera feed. This data was then transmitted to Hilversum via a contribution link. The result was a significantly reduced on-site logistical footprint, lowering costs and enhancing environmental sustainability while also offering a more flexible and responsive production environment. Real Time Remote Virtual Production Pixotope addresses the remote workflow challenges typically in- volved in virtual production, including the need for equipment and technicians on-site near the action and cameras. Issues such as camera tracking complexities, poor integration of graphics engines over IP, SDI signal conversion hardware, latency, and hardware li- censing are eliminated with Pixotope virtual production solutions. "By enabling remote virtual production workflows, we're rewriting the script on how to create immersive experiences in live broad- casting," says Javier Reyes, technical product manager at Pixotope. "Instead of rigorous and resource-intensive on-location setups, our customers can now minimize their on-site footprint while increasing flexibility and efficiency. It's a lower barrier to entry that enables the creation of rich, immersive experiences once limited to the confines of a local network. This symbolizes the next phase of virtual produc- tion accessibility for the entire broadcast industry." By harnessing the power of markerless through-the-lens (TTL) camera tracking, streamlined signal collection, and advanced graph- ics infrastructure capable of running on virtual machines, Pixotope makes remote virtual production workflows a reality. Broadcasters can now easily leverage virtual production to create high-quality im- mersive content remotely while reducing costs, increasing flexibili- ty, and optimizing talent and technology. The result is an increased competitive edge that keeps broadcasters' bottom line healthy. pixotope's virtual production Solutions Pixotope solutions cover the entire virtual production ecosystem from camera and talent tracking to augmented reality (AR), virtual studio graphics, and extended reality (XR) workflows, providing an efficient, flexible, and reliable turnkey solution for remote virtual pro- duction. The company's comprehensive suite of innovative features and workflows is designed to simplify the entire remote production pro- cess with purpose-built solutions: De-embedding Tracking Data: Pixotope Graphics has native support for extracting camera tracking data embedded within video inputs, including SDI and SRT inputs, as well as files played back. This ensures frame-accurate playback of clips with live virtual production graphics, addressing synchronization challenges and simplifying the workflow. Pixotope Fly: This through-the-lens (TTL)-based tracking solu- tion enables camera tracking by analyzing the video output from the production drone or cable camera itself. It negates the need for ad- ditional sensors or equipment, simplifying setup and reducing costs. Signal Connector Box (SCB): For situations where Pixotope SHOWCASE ENABLING REMOTE INTERCONTINENTAL CAMERA TRACKING PIXOTOPE BREAKS NEW GROUND FOR NEP'S E1 SERIES COVERAGE.