Computer Graphics World

April-May-June 2024

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28 cgw a p r i l • m ay • j u n e 2 0 2 4 d istortion Studios, specialists in virtual production, recently opened the doors of its new Bristol, UK-based studio, backed by an in-house team of immersive digital arts specialists. The space, home to a cutting-edge studio stage complete with the latest and most trusted virtual production technology, can be utilized by anyone looking to shoot virtual production content, as well as serving as a training and community hub. "At Distortion Studios, we want to play a part in upskilling the next generation of industry professionals locally," remarks Nick Diacre, technical director at Distortion Studios. "So, we're looking to invite technical people in and run training in the space, alongside the usual studio hire. Remaining technologically agnostic was therefore im- portant to us." Emphasizing Adaptability Diacre first encountered SP by Stage Precision in the soware's early beta phase, which coincided with his exploration of XR setups using Disguise technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. "SP slotted into a gap when we needed to take our productions to the next lev- el and be more versatile," recalls Diacre. "With SP we didn't need to program custom code from scratch to build integrations anymore. This was a game-changer." Having been an avid user and contributor to the evolution of the soware ever since, Diacre has designed the VP workflow at Distor- tion Studio based on Stage Precision. Distortion's commitment to remaining platform-agnostic allows for adaptability to different tools and technologies based on project and client requirements. With Stage Precision at the center of operations, Distortion Studios can switch between platforms, soware, and systems. The multifaceted functionality of SP serves as a "Swiss army knife" for Distortion's virtual production studio, capable of managing complex workflows from handling and visualizing camera tracking data to controlling switches and calibrating lenses. This level of con- trol allows the studio to cater to various camera setups and config- urations, in turn, giving clients a 'no limits' playground for creativity. SPOTLIGHT DISTORTION STUDIOS LAUNCHES NEW VIRTUAL PRODUCTION SPACE TECHNOLOGICALLY AGNOSTIC SYSTEM OPENS A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY.

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