Location Managers Guild International

Spring 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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LMGI COMPASS | Spring 2024 • 59 castlegreenfilming.com For access anytime for every need, call:805.990.5008 / email:KATHY@CASTLEGREEN.COM Classic and international gardens, roads, ponds, mature trees, statues, architecture. THE HUNTINGTON 626-405-2215 | f ilmhuntington.org THINK GLOBALLY, FILM LOCALLY Scout Melissa "Zippy" Downing: It's clear the organizers have poured their hearts and souls into developing and refining this endeavor over the past three years. They went to great lengths to ensure those in attendance not only had productive meeting schedules but were treated to an immersive cultural experience. Sabine Schulmeyer. It's a very efficient event way for getting to know different international film regions and meet the film commissioners, learn about individual main filming locations, studio facilities and film founding programs. Michael Wesley: I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to be exposed to so much Spain has to offer filmmakers. Shooting Locations Marketplace expanded my knowledge of the country and allowed me to form relationships with the critical contacts in bringing a production to Spain. Miranda Carnessale: Spain has the drive to establish itself as a top destination for international filmmaking. Their multipronged approach to attracting filming includes aggressive national and regional film tax incentives, qualified labor/vendor services, ease of permitting and diverse location options. John Hutchinson: If I'm fortunate enough to be invited again to the Shooting Locations Marketplace, I look forward to seeing more of what the wonders of Spain has to offer to filmmakers. Simon Daniel: The Fam Tour was really well organized and we enjoyed the company of the other film professionals. If there is another Shooting Locations Marketplace coming in 2024, don't miss the chance, just apply! Joe Abel: Every year, the Marketplace conference gets better and better. This experience transcends mere networking; it fosters a profound sense of community and shared learning. A big thank you to Carolina Yepes, Feria Valladolid, Spain Film Commission and all the hardworking people who put this event together. Feria de Valladolid (Valladolid Exhibition Centre) will be hosting the fourth edition of Shooting Locations Marketplace next October 15 and 16 in Valladolid, Spain. Following the marketplace and conferences, there will be Fam Tours throughout Spain. Interested supervising location managers or location scouts with international experience, should contact carolina.yepes@feriavalladolid.com For additional images, check out the gallery on the LMGI website at hps://locationmanagers.org /category/famtours/

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