Location Managers Guild International

Spring 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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4 • LMGI COMPASS | Spring 2024 L E T T E R FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear LMGI Members, As we step into spring, we're reminded of the season's sense of renewal and anticipation. Over the past year, the LMGI has shared re m a r k a b l e m o m e n t s a n d n a v i ga t e d challenges. Your dedication and passion for our craft never cease to amaze me. Our collective efforts have made a significant impact, and I couldn't be prouder of our achievements as a community. However, I must address an unfortunate issue requiring our attention. We recently confronted an instance of inadvertent plagiarism in the previous issue of LMGI Compass. A quote was mistakenly attributed to me that should have been credited to LMGI co-founder and former President, Lori Balton. I take full responsibility for this oversight and mishandling and have extended my personal apology to Lori for any distress caused. I would also like to apologize to the editors of Compass for the mistake of not thoroughly reviewing the copy before it was published. I also now apologize to you, our membership, for this error. Upholding the highest standards of integrity in all our communications is paramount. We strive to learn from these errors and use these lessons to make us stronger. The source of this strength has been the substantial growth in our membership and our expanding global presence. It's truly gratifying to see our community thrive internationally. Our partnerships with industry stakeholders, film commissions, and service providers have not only opened new opportunities but also amplified the visibility of our craft on a global scale. The AFCI has scheduled their AFCI Week to occur in conjunction with our 11th Annual LMGI Awards at the end of August. For those who remember, this pairing was the foundation of our show, and it's wonderful to see our two organizations come together again. This collaboration signifies the power of our industry and the unity within our community. Looking ahead, our focus for the LMGI extends beyond membership growth. We are committed to furthering professional development initiatives, enhancing member benefits, and advocating for the recognition of location professionals' invaluable contributions to the film and television industry. I urge each of you to stay engaged, share your ideas and actively participate in our upcoming events. Your involvement is instrumental in our continued growth and evolution. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Here's to more exciting times ahead. Warm regards, John Rakich LMGI President Editor in Chief Stevie NelSoN Editors DiaNe FrieDmaN Paul meSSaNa eDwarD mazurek DoDD vickerS LMGI Officers JohN rakich, President aNguS leDgerwooD, 1st Vice President robiN macDoNalD, 2nd Vice President DaviD mckiNNey, Treasurer liSa ScoPe, Secretary LMGI Board of Directors Jimmy ayoub DaNNy FiNN michael glaSer mac gorDoN eric kleiN eDwarD mazurek ryaN Schaetzle aliSoN a. taylor Scott trimble michael weSley LMGI Chairman Emeritus oriN keNNeDy Administrative Manager erika howarD The LMGI Compass is published quarterly by the Location Managers Guild International. LocationManagers.org Comments, editorial and photo submissions can be sent to: Compass@LocationManagers.org Publisher iNgleDoDD meDia Advertising iNgleDoDD meDia 310.207.4410 LMGI@IngleDodd.com www.IngleDoddMedia.com Official Magazine of Location Professionals Promoting Excellence on Location Worldwide C MPA SS

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