Special Issue 2024

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THE ANCIENTS WROTE TOMES ABOUT THE MEANING OF THE STARS and their relationship to an individual's fate and fortune. But what about the meaning behind a star's hands? How does the way a star holds their coveted Actor reveal their personality and unique gis? We're talking about the stars here on earth — SAG-AFTRA members! — and their approach to receiving their 12-pound bronze statuette may tell us a great deal about who they are and what they bring to their cra. Just for fun, let's dive in and see what we can glean from past award winners. I N H A N D W I T H E X C E L L E N C E 93 S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 S A G A F T R A .O R G

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