Special Issue 2024

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89 S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 S A G A F T R A .O R G CAMPARI®, the iconic Milanese red aperitivo that continues to take a front-row seat in cinema, is thrilled to once again return as the Official Spirits Sponsor of the 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, in celebra- tion of the incredible talent achievements being honored this year. Together, Campari and the SAG Awards share an unwavering commitment to the world of art and film, and this continued partnership is a cherished one for Campari as the brand believes that the stories we live inspire cinematic moments rooted in passion, creativity and vision. As the Official Bank of the 30th Annual SAG Awards, CITY NATIONAL BANK proudly celebrates the entertainment industry and the performers who make it shine. Congratulations to all of this year's nominees.

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