Special Issue 2024

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S A G A F T R A .O R G S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 88 WHERE WOULD THE SAG AWARDS ® be without the support of its sponsors? Since the inaugural ceremony, award sponsors have played a major role in making the Actor's Party a favorite during awards season. But their ongoing support has also been integral in supporting SAG-AFTRA members and their families. For 30 years, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation's continued work in providing emergency relief, state-of-the-art facilities and award-winning programming has been bolstered by these stellar contributors and now, more than ever, we are grateful for their help. Thank you, sponsors, for your years of unwavering support! SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! CALM is honored to support the SAG-AFTRA community and meet each individual on their mental health journey with tools to help them turn inward and find rest and relaxation.

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