Special Issue 2024

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87 S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 S A G A F T R A .O R G to thanking many of our major supporters in person at this year's SAG Awards on Feb. 24; however, I want to stress that every single supporter played a crucial role. We couldn't have lied up those who needed it most without each and every donation. Our strengthened Foundation is more motivated than ever, and we're excited about the new facility opening in Los Angeles later this year, the Meryl Streep Center for Performing Artists, featuring the Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Screening Room. This innovative and creative hub will mark a transformative milestone for our community. We invite every member to be part of the Foundation's next chapter, leveraging the new center for artistic growth and career advancement. Get ready to be amazed." Young performer Banks Quinny with brothers Cole and Caleb. SAG-AFTR A INSTAGR AM "Our Emergency Financial Assistance Program is here to ensure that members in need don't lose their homes, have the ability to pay for utilities, buy food for their families, purchase life-saving prescriptions, cover medical bills and more. It's a massive challenge, but together, we've been able to meet this moment." — COURTNEY B. VANCE SAG-AFTRA Foundation President

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