Special Issue 2024

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S A G A F T R A .O R G S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 84 $11.5 million+ Given in Emergency Financial Assistance Grants to SAG-AFTRA Members and Families (and counting, as the urgent need for emergency assistance will continue into 2024) $300,000 Awarded Higher Education Scholarships to Members and Dependents 311 Classes Taught by Top Casting Directors and Associates 85 Workshops on Editing Headshots, Reels and Websites 260 Film and TV Screenings and Q&As Featuring Actors and Casts 39,550 SAG-AFTRA Members Served Nationwide Through the Foundation's Programs 7,780 Free Educational Panels, Classes and Career-Building Opportunities for Members 4,270 On-Camera "Self-Tape" Auditions and Rehearsals Recorded by Professional Technicians 2,760 Voiceover Sessions, Auditions and Demos Recorded by VO Studio and Audio Engineers SAG-AFTRA FOUNDATION PROGRAMS FOR 2023 BY THE NUMBERS SAG-AFTRA members throughout the year with vital assistance and free educational programs. And, in a historic year, the Foundation played a particularly critical role, thanks entirely to its growing cast of SAG-AFTRA supporters. SAG-AFTRA Foundation President Courtney B. Vance expressed deep gratitude for the overwhelming support from the SAG-AFTRA community, stating, "The response from members was extraordinary. Because of the generosity we received, the Foundation was able to grant over $11.5 million in emergency aid to thousands in urgent need last year. And, we continue to process hundreds of applications and grant up to $500,000 every week. Even though the strikes ended, the Foundation's critical work continues. Our Emergency Financial Assistance Program is here to ensure that members in need don't lose their homes, have the ability to pay for utilities, buy food for their families, purchase life-saving prescriptions, cover medical bills and more. It's a massive challenge, but together, we've been able to meet this moment." The most significant and standout "We've stood on the shoulders of the likes of Bette Davis and Jimmy Cagney, and it's time for our generation to give something back." — GEORGE CLOONEY Foundation advocate and Actors' Council member

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