Special Issue 2024

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67 S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 S A G A F T R A .O R G PHOTO COURTESY OF DARYL ANDERSON H ISTORY, SOLI DARITY, LEGACY Reflections on the Awards' Past, Present and Future THE SAG AWARDS' 30th anniversary comes at a time following a great shi in the industry. But this year's show, perhaps more than any before it, represents the strength and resilience of the acting community and Hollywood itself. As we get ever closer to showtime, the SAG Awards Committee members, the great minds behind this year's ceremony, share their thoughts on the meaning of this milestone event, the Awards' history and its enduring legacy. The original SAG Awards Committee, from le, Yale Summers, Toey Caldwell, Committee Chair Kathy Connell, Paul Napier and Daryl Anderson.

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