Special Issue 2024

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F or 30 years, The Actor ® has been more than just a trophy. Its original sketch by artist Jim Barrett, and submitted by designer Jim Heimann, included many of the statuette's recognizable features: its proud posture, its stoic pose and the expressions of comedy and tragedy reflected in the masks held in either hand. For performers, The Actor represents the creation and continuation of the cra. But for every one of us, the cra itself serves as a reflection of the experiences we all share: joy, pain and every emotion in between. RAW TALENT, RAW MATERIALS Each year, the American Fine Arts Foundry in Burbank uses 93 pounds of wax, 225 pounds of ceramic, 100 pounds of granite and 750 pounds of bronze to make a fleet of statuettes. FROM OUT OF THE MOLDS Each sculpture emerges from two molds. The first are "mother molds," silicone and plaster cases filled with wax. The second, a ceramic mold, is where the "wax slurry" — combined wax and silica — is poured. Later, the heated bronze is added. ROB L ATOUR /202 3 ROB L ATOUR /202 3 S A G A F T R A .O R G S AG - A F T R A S PEC I A L IS S U E 2 0 24 64

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