Computer Graphics World

July-Aug-Sep 2023

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solvers, this efficient new approach to hair generation significantly reduces simulation times from multiple days to just a few hours. Blackmagic Design: New AI audio & video editing tools for DaVinci Resolve Specifically designed to speed up audio and video editing workflows, Blackmagic Design has integrated a range of innovative AI tools into DaVinci Resolve 18.5. These new and updated features include virtu- al lighting tools, intuitive object masking, instant depth map effects, automatic audio clip categorization, and more. Resolve's new Relight FX tool allows editors to add virtual light sources into a scene, giving them the flexibility to brighten dark shadows or make creative adjustments to environmental lighting conditions. Offering surface soness, specularity, and directional controls, these virtual illumination sources can cast a broad light, a point source, or a spotlight on demand. Engineered to recognize and track the movement of thousands of unique objects, Resolve's intuitive new object mask isolates countless elements including people, animals, food, vehicles, and more. These capabilities are useful for many effects and grading applications in a video editing workflow. Audio engineers are now able to use the DaVinci Neural Engine to automatically analyze and classify audio clips based on their content. Designed to expedite the oen time-consuming process of reviewing unfamiliar materials, the AI-powered engine sorts au- dio clips into dialogue, music, and effects bins. Each bin includes detailed sub-categories such as insects, water, or explosions Resolve's AI-based voice isolation tool allows audio editors to remove loud, undesirable background noise from recordings. Ideal for interviews and dialogue recordings from noisy environments, the tool efficiently separates voices from background sounds. Adobe: New AI text-based video editing capabilities for Premiere Pro Designed to simplify video editing pipelines, Premiere Pro now features a text-based editing system. Harnessing the power of Sensei, Adobe's machine learning and AI framework, the intuitive new system is especially ideal for the rough cut phase of a video editing workflow. Premiere Pro's AI-powered text-based system automatically ingests, analyzes, and transcribes video source material. This al- lows editors to easily skim the transcripts, search for keywords, and add them to their timeline to begin a rough cut. Editors are then able to copy and paste phrases into their se- quence transcripts, and the edit in the timeline will automatically change to match. The sequence transcript can also be used as a navigation tool throughout the editing workflow. When the editing process is complete, the text-based editing function provides a ready-made transcript for easy caption generation. Kendra Ruczak is the Managing Editor of CGW. j u ly • a u g u s t • s e p t e m b e r c g w 2 3

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