Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2023

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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4 • LMGI COMPASS | Summer 2023 L E T T E R FROM THE PRESIDENT It's an exciting time for the LMGI. We're celebrating our 20th anniversary as a Guild with a newly elected Board of Directors in place. I'd like to welcome our newest Board member, Danny Finn, and his fresh voice and energy. I would also like to bid a fond farewell to our departing Treasurer, longtime Board member and friend, Ken Haber, who's off to enjoy a well- deserved retirement. Ken, your consideration, counsel and generosity of time have benefited the membership more than they'll ever know. We, on the Board, certainly saw it, and appreciate it. I'm excited for what this Board has in store for the year ahead as we prepare the Guild for another 20 years of service for its members. We are here to support our global community of location professionals—to connect, elevate and advocate for you all. No matter where you work, no matter what your union affiliation, if you are dedicated to this craft—we are here for you. But we cannot do this alone. We are all volunteers. And we rely on the additional help of Guild members. Contributing to our mission and continuing to promote location professionals is vital to our core duty. Together, we must strengthen the influence of our global tribe and advance our members' professional development. We're in this together. Whether it's sending pictures for use in LMGI Compass or our website galleries, sending an idea for an article or an update on some local production news or signing up for one of our many committees—we can all help our Guild grow. The motto of the Olympics was recently changed from its original "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (Faster, Higher, Stronger) to "Citius, Altius, Fortius—Communiter" (Faster, Higher, Stronger—Together). It's the last bit that resonates with me—Stronger … Together. We are all members of this Guild by choice because we are all stronger together. On behalf of myself and the entire Board, I wish you all the very best in the year to come. Thank you for being a member. You belong here with us, and we'll do our best to uphold that every year. I hope to see you all celebrating at the 10th Annual LMGI Awards show on Saturday, August 26, at The Eli and Edythe BroadStage in Santa Monica, CA, or via streaming on the LMGI YouTube channel at youtube.com/@TheLMGI. John Rakich LMGI President Editors Stevie NelSoN DiaNe FrieDmaN Paul meSSaNa eDwarD mazurek DoDD vickerS LMGI Officers JohN rakich, President aliSoN a. taylor, 1st Vice President aNguS leDgerwooD, 2nd Vice President keN Brooker, Treasurer liSa ScoPe, Secretary LMGI Board of Directors Jimmy ayouB DaN coNNolly DaNNy FiNN mac gorDoN eric kleiN roBiN macDoNalD eDwarD mazurek DaviD mckiNNey ryaN Schaetzle Scott trimBle LMGI Chairman Emeritus oriN keNNeDy Administrative Manager erika howarD The LMGI Compass is published quarterly by the Location Managers Guild International. LocationManagers.org Comments, editorial and photo submissions can be sent to: Compass@LocationManagers.org Publisher iNgleDoDD meDia Advertising iNgleDoDD meDia 310.207.4410 LMGI@IngleDodd.com www.IngleDoddMedia.com Official Magazine of Location Professionals Promoting Excellence on Location Worldwide C MPA SS

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