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DAVID FINFER JUNE 7, 1942 – APRIL 3, 2023 A cademy Award-nominated f ilm editor David Finfer died April 3 from complications following a heart attack. He was 80. Born in Brooklyn in 1942, Finfer gradu- ated from Far Rockaway High School and earned a bachelors degree in economics from Alfred University before serving as a first lieutenant in the Army. He began his career as an agent at Creative Manage- ment Associates in New York City, which b e c a m e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C r e a t i v e M a n - a g e m e n t i n 1 9 7 5, w o r k i n g w i t h s u c h l u m i n a r i e s a s J o a n C r a w f o r d , E l s a Lanchester and Judy Garland. He moved to Los Angeles in 1971, study- ing at the American Film Institute. He did a number of television movies and industrial films before landing his first feature credit, "Ya Gotta Walk It Like You Talk It (Or You'll Lose That Beat)." Finfer was known for comedy and teen/ family movies, including four Albert Brooks f ilms: "Real Life," "Modern Romance," "Lost in America" and "Defending Your Life." He also worked on Brooks' shorts for "Saturday Night Live." "Modern Romance" is a cult classic among film editors. Albert Brooks plays neurotically possessive film editor Robert Cole, who perpetually breaks up to make up with Kathryn Harrold's exasperated bank executive, Mary Harvard. For those who re- member non-digital editing, the production meetings and sound editing scenes are a blast from the past. More amusing to close friends of David is Bruno Kirby's portrayal of Jay, the assistant editor, as he totally lift- ed David's look, down to his aviator glasses and vests. Also borrowed from David's life were his pet parakeet and Porsche Targa (although David's was black, not silver.) Even better, David makes a cameo in a party scene in the movie — look for the guy with a white scarf. Finfer was nominated, with Dennis Virkler, Don Brochu, Dov Hoenig, Richard Nord and Dean Goodhill, for an Academy Award, as well as American Cinema Editors and BAFTA recognition, for "The Fugitive" (1994). Among other things, David was ta s ke d w i t h d e s i g n i n g t h e t ra i nw re c k sequence, where Harrison Ford's character narrowly escapes death. While it was fun to be profiled on the TV show "How'd They Do That?!,"it was immensely gratifying for David to be in the Chinese Theater on open- ing night and have a paying audience give a standing ovation to the trainwreck. Other credits include "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey," "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion," and "The Tooth Fairy." Fiercely protective of his crews and a mentor to many, David delighted in being invited to weddings and receiving baby announcements and holiday cards from his crew members over the years. He regularly took calls from college kids looking for advice on getting into editing and viewed countless VHS and DVDs of aspiring film- makers for his notes. David served on the Foreign Film com- mittee of AMPAS. He is survived by his wife, Cinnia, two children, Scott and Natalie, his brothers Paul and Norman, numerous nieces and nephews, and a galaxy of friends. --Finfer family 52 C I N E M O N T A G E I N M E M O R I A M