Black Meetings and Tourism

March / April 2023

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As we head in to summer time during the coming months, many west coast destinations are quite desirable places to hold events ranging from small private gatherings to larger full scale conferences. One thing the West has is SPACE. Combining pleasure and work meeting planners can choose from an assortment of Western states that all have their own unique flavor offering a completely different meeting experience but with the same top-level hospi- tality. Destinations like Nevada, California and Texas may be a perfect fit for large-scale meetings offering the largest meeting facilities and some of the best dining, entertain- ment and shopping options. Some might choose to take advantage of the geographical beauty of states like Colorado or Arizona to meet in with a plethora of outdoor activ- ities and natural meeting spaces that will surely leave your attendees in awe. Some smaller market states in the West like Oklahoma and New Mexico offer meeting facilities and activities perfect for small to medium size gatherings such as family reunions, fraternity/sorority functions, weddings and company retreats. Whatever the occasion is, each Western destination provides its own set of unique qualities making for the most memorable event one wont forget. Tucson Skyline and Santa Catalina Mountain range from Sentinel Peak Park, Tucson, Arizona B M & T ••• March /April 2023 ••• 15

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