MPSE Wavelength

Spring 2023

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M OT I O N P I CTU R E S O U N D E D I TO R S I 5 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I'd like to start off by wishing all of our members and readers a Happy New Year. For those who suffered any loss in 2022, may this be a year of healing and renewal. My hopes and wishes for everyone are a year of exciting challenges and amazing adventures; a year filled with good fortunes, full of happiness, peace, and prosperity. I consider all of our MPSE Wavelength editions as being uniquely special, and this edition includes a little something extra. It is our 12th edition and Wavelength turns three years old. Yes, our first quarterly was first published in spring 2020! Wavelength would not be what it is without the extra time and efforts put forth by our fellow MPSE members who volunteer their time from their hectic schedules to bring you interesting interviews and stories connecting us with sound editors around the world. Beginning with this spring edition of Wavelength, I am very happy to introduce the new regular column "From the Office" by our beloved office manager, Tracie Costabile Dumm. In addition to the many weekly MPSE e-blast announcements and other dozens of daily miracles she performs, Tracie has added one more task to her list by keeping the membership up to date and informed of pertinent news, important dates, announcements, and forthcoming events in this new column. Our cover story this quarter is by Charles Maynes MPSE and features the incredible talent who make up the audio design team of Sweet Justice. "Traversing the Sonic Universe of Sweet Justice" is an interesting interview outlining the company's humble beginnings to today. Pg. 38. Miguel Araujo MPSE brings us another fascinating interview. This time with multiple nominee and two-time Golden Reel Award winner, and veteran MPSE member Becky Sullivan. Becky is also a past Oscar nominee and BAFTA Award winner. You will find "The Invincible Spirit of Becky Sullivan" on Pg. 22. Chris Assells MPSE Ret. shares his story "Daddy's Day Out" Pg. 30, of the time when his father visited him when Chris was working at Warner Bros. Always entertaining and written in true Chris Assells' fashion (although he reined it in quite a bit), I found his story humorous, sweet, and an overall endearing memory to share. Javier Quesada MPSE has written a very interesting five-part series about five key functions of sound in cinema. See "Sound and the Sensation of Film." Pg. 50. And last, but not least, I want to extend congratulations to all of the 70th Golden Reel Award nominees!! This is truly going to be a very special event in that we are returning to the live in-person format and I look forward to seeing everyone in person again at this year's ceremony. I hope you enjoy this edition of Wavelength. CHRISTINA HORGAN MPSE Editor I MPSE Wavelength T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N o f t h e M O T I O N P I C T U R E S O U N D E D I T O R S DADDY'S DAY OUT SOUND and the SENSATION of FILM The Invincible Spirit of BECKY SULLIVAN Traversing the Sonic Universe of SWEET JUSTICE SPRING 2023 O N T H E C OV E R : Traverse the Sonic Universe and meet the crack team of audio experts behind Sweet Justice.

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