MPSE Wavelength

Winter 2023

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BY MIGUEL ARAUJO MPSE Holding on to Your Headphones with Charlie Crutcher I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of Hollywood's most established sound supervisors, Charlie Crutcher. With over 30 years of experience working in various crafts, Charlie has built up an impressive credit list matched by 1 Emmy win, 5 Emmy nominations, and 2 Golden Reel wins, alongside 13 nominations. Charlie has been known for his ability to adapt to new systems and workflows. This is his story. MIGUEL ARAUJO MPSE: The name Crutcher is a well-known name in the Hollywood sound community. Will you give us a bit of the history of your family's ties to this community? CHARLIE CRUTCHER MPSE: You know, I hear that and I think, "Wow, I guess it's true." When I was just getting started in the industry, people would say, "Oh, your dad's Norval Crutcher?" It was a big deal. Before my editorial career, I learned about the impact he made and all the people he had helped. He's been president of the MPSE and was very involved with the union. Not only my dad but my brother Sam too. In a few of the jobs I had or events I attended, someone knew one or both and they had a fun story to tell. In the '80s the MPSE almost disappeared. My dad, Larry Singer, Sam Crutcher, Cece Hall, Stan Gilbert and some others got involved and kept it afloat. Ethel Crutcher, my stepmother, got involved and helped give the MPSE a new direction. Back then they were having their MPSE meetings and events at places like the Warner Bros. cafeteria. She sold ad space on the MPSE award programs and got them to put on functions at larger venues where they could sell tables for guests. The MPSE just grew from there. My dad was also involved in creating the MPSE Golden Reel Award statue design still used today. Back then it was nicknamed "The Norvie." My dad started his career in sound after World War II. He was in the Army Signal Corps where he was also involved in cutting picture, sound and acting in old Army movies. After the war, he continued his career in sound editing. He worked on shows like Amos 'n' Andy, The Little Rascals, The Rifleman,

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