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2 I m ps e . o rg LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT The Official Publication of the Motion Picture Sound Editors Editor CHRISTINA HORGAN MPSE Officers MARK LANZA - President STEVE URBAN - Vice President DAVID BARBER - Secretary JEREMY GORDON - Treasurer CHRIS REEVES - Sergeant at Arms Board Members PETER ALBRECHTSEN MIGUEL ARAUJO DANIEL BLANCK DAVID BONDELEVITCH BILL DANNEVIK BAYLON FONSECA AMBER FUNK SCOTT GERSHIN GERALDO GUTIERREZ CHRISTINA HORGAN KEVIN HOWARD SCOTT JENNINGS PERRY LA MARCA PAULETTE VICTOR LIFTON ERIC MARKS CHARLES MAYNES GARRETT MONTGOMERY STUART MORTON KOREY PEREIRA SOLANGE SCHWALBE HARRY SNODGRASS The MPSE Wavelength is published quarterly by the Motion Picture Sound Editors MPSE.ORG Comments, editorial and photo submissions can be sent to Publisher INGLEDODD MEDIA Advertising INGLEDODD MEDIA 310.207.4410 MPSE@INGLEDODD.COM WWW.INGLEDODDMEDIA.COM MARK LANZA MPSE I PRESIDENT Sound Designer and Supervisor Sony Pictures Studios Dear MPSE Members: Welcome to Wavelength's Winter Edition! We hope you were able to close out the summer by attending the MPSE's first picnic in more than 20 years. Many members wanted the picnic to be brought back, but most members didn't know we used to have one in the first place. It was an amazing and well-attended event. We appreciated all the MPSE swag that was worn to the picnic, we gave away some great prizes, the food was incredible … but the best part was getting to see everyone in-person again! We hope to do this every year going forward. Speaking of seeing everyone in-person, our big 70th Annual Golden Reel Awards is coming up on February 26, 2023, in the famous Wilshire Ebell Theatre of Los Angeles! We are very excited to have our first in-person awards show in three years. It will be a tribute to old Hollywood. We can't wait to present our Filmmaker of the Year Award to Jerry Bruckheimer, our Career Achievement Award to Gwendolyn Yates Whittle, and hosting our awards this year will be Patton Oswalt! All voting members, please consider being on our blue-ribbon panels to help judge the entries for our Golden Reel Awards. This process is what makes the MPSE award special and so coveted, being judged by your peers who are well qualified to make an educated decision on the work submitted. We have had a great turnout lately, but always want more input. Please contact the office to sign up and get assigned to a category where you don't have a conflict. Check the MPSE web page ( regularly for Sound Advice and other event information, and to purchase MPSE merchandise. Please, enjoy this latest issue of Wavelength! Sincerely,